Acts of Villainy: Solo #53 is now LIVE! Locked away in another dimension until the last month of every year, The Krampus has been set loose on the world yet again! Lock your doors and bar your windows, for he's on the hunt for naughty boys and girls all around the world and has picked the heroes city for this year's pickings! The Krampus, only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #53 and only only 99¢!
Get The Krampus before he gets you!
This past weekend, The Krampus ran loose in the Tribute Universe in an attempt to stop the holiday from happening. Luckily, a band of brave heroes joined together to stop the vile villain and save Santa Claus in the process.
Planned since October, we had 12 players planned to play. But, due to an ice storm that hit the area, there were only 8 players that could attend. The scenario started as Holiday (who was last seen during the Seasons of Crime event) attempted to steal the latest video game craze from a department store. However, during the robbery, the city's heroes (along with a new hero to the area) stepped in to take him down. Then the sky went dark, plunging the entire world into eternal night.
As the heroes attempted to find out what happened, an elf fell from the sky in a burst of light and smelled of gingerbread and peppermint. As he recovered, he explained that The Box of Eternal Night had been opened and that Santa's Workshop had been taken over by The Krampus.
Gathering together, the team had the elf transport them back, where they battled The Krampus and his minions. Finally, after a long battle, they managed to defeat the holiday demon and free Santa Claus (who then banished The Krampus from his workshop). Will The Krampus return this year? Next year? That's up to you! Grab the latest AoV: Solo and bring him into your game today!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day: Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?!
Acts of Villainy: Solo #52 is LIVE! What happens when you take a genius engineering and mix him with a twisted toymaker? You get Toy-Box, that's what! Building murderous toys to do his dastardly deeds, his mind is for hire to the biggest bidder. Toy-Box, only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #52 and only only 99¢!
Get this week's holiday villain, Toy-Box, today!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day: The Yuletide Spirit Strikes Back! (Holiday Villainy Pt 2)
Acts of Villainy #51 is LIVE! 'Tis the season for crime and Yuletide is out to make herself rich! Armed with a mystical mask that makes people charitable to her, she's hitting the malls, banks and businesses of the city this year. But she only has a short time before the season's over and she goes on hiatus until next year. Yuletide, only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #51 and only only 99¢!
Get in the spirit with Yuletide today!
Get in the spirit with Yuletide today!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day: Holiday Villainy (Pt 1) and the Season of Crime 2013!
'Tis the season for crime and Holiday is ready to spread some villainous greed! But don't think he'll stop with December, for he's the Villain for All Seasons! Whether it be Flag Day, Halloween or Sadie Hawkins Day, he's prepared for whatever holiday that comes around! Holiday, only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #50 and only only 99¢! Grab Holiday this Holiday Season!
Holiday is the first part of our four part Holiday Villainy line for this Holiday Season! Stay tuned next week for our next villain!
This past Sunday, I had the distinct pleasure of running a holiday themed M&M3e game with my friends, Walt Robillard (of Hazard Studios), Dale Robbins (of DWR Game Studio) and my wife/editor, CD. As with all of my superhero games, this one took place in the Tribute Universe and centered around a series of crimes happening on Black Friday. Faced with the villainy off Snowclone, H.A.D.E.S., a duo from our upcoming AoV: Duo #1, and Holiday himself, the trio managed to defeat the bad guys and save the most important shopping day of the season.
To run the game, I tried out the Roll20 site for the first time and I have to say, it won't be the last time I use it. The interface is very adaptable and it was nice to have the tools readily available to run a game. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a shot.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day: Ganging Up!
Acts of Villainy: Gangs #1 is LIVE! Just when you thought it was safe to walk the city streets again, a gang of cackling criminals comes out from the underground interested in not only stealing your wallet, but you life as well! Beware, citizens and heroes alike, for the Redcaps are on the loose and they'll do whatever their leader, Redjack, wants! The Redcaps, only in Acts of Villainy: Gangs #1 and only only $1.99! Grab AoV: Gangs #1 today!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day: Smashing Stuff
Acts of Villainy: Solo #49 is LIVE! Large and
in charge, Bighorn is a low level thug trapped in a big villain suit.
Now part of the big leagues, he'll do almost anything to stay there,
especially if it means beating some heroes into submission! Bighorn,
only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #49 and only only 99¢! Grab Bighorn today!
Also, I was fortunate enough to be on another episode of the BAMF Podcast along with Steve Kenson, Christopher McGlothlin, Ade Smith, Jason Tondro and our esteemed host, Mike Lafferty. In this episode, we chat about upcoming products from our various lines and our favorite (and least favorite) event comics. Please give it a listen if you can.
Also, I was fortunate enough to be on another episode of the BAMF Podcast along with Steve Kenson, Christopher McGlothlin, Ade Smith, Jason Tondro and our esteemed host, Mike Lafferty. In this episode, we chat about upcoming products from our various lines and our favorite (and least favorite) event comics. Please give it a listen if you can.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day: Shot to the Head!
Acts of Villainy: Solo #48 is LIVE! Once an
agent for good, an accident robbed Yves Cartier of his heroism and
transformed him into the cold hitman known as Headshot! A gun-for-hire,
he now travels the world, working for those that can afford his deadly
skill set. Headshot, only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #48 and only only
99¢! Grab Headshot today!
Friday, November 8, 2013
On To Year Two & Beyond!
On November 7th, 2012, Sketchpad Studio released the first of many Acts of Villainy issues. Since then, we've maintained a fairly steady release schedule that's managed to debut 46 Solo issues, 4 Team issues, 4 Mastermind issues, 1 Special and 1 Acts of Heroism issue. That's 56 issues over the course of 52 weeks! Wow! It sure doesn't seem like that many.
This week we started the new year of books with Acts of Villainy: Solo #47 featuring Migraine. Through the next few weeks, we'll be releasing a few more Solo issues and a new feature called Acts of Villainy: Gangs. Each issue of Gangs will give the GM a new street gang to work with, along with any significant members that can be used in a campaign. Also coming up, we'll see the first release of Acts of Villainy: Duos, along with the first issue of AoV: Collected.
Speaking of Collected #1, let me try and explain some of the hold up. First, this is wholly on our end. As we were going through the older issues, we wanted to update the look and design to fit with the other issues. Additionally, there was some art that needed updating and some stats that needed cleaning up. So, while we're anxious to release the issue, we want to make sure it's the best issue we can release. Also, please keep in mind that there are only two of us handling the work and we want to keep up on our weekly issues as well. So, rather than let the new issues slip a bit, we're letting the Collected issues slip a bit so we can keep up with the new content. AoV: Collected #1 is coming along and will be released soon. Keep an eye on this blog for further developments and previews.
For those of you that bought the old issues, yes, they will be updated just like the book is. However, don't expect an update till after the Collected #1 is released. We view PDFs as living documents and like that we can update them, but we also want to get everything finished for the Collected volume.
We've also been looking at hosting a chat on Google+ Hangout, as well as running a one-shot here and there. We're still looking into the logistics of everything, but we'll be releasing some more information soon.
It's been an interesting year, with both high and low points, but we're happy to be moving into our second year of publications and can't wait to hear how you like them. Here's to a second year of AoV issues!
This week we started the new year of books with Acts of Villainy: Solo #47 featuring Migraine. Through the next few weeks, we'll be releasing a few more Solo issues and a new feature called Acts of Villainy: Gangs. Each issue of Gangs will give the GM a new street gang to work with, along with any significant members that can be used in a campaign. Also coming up, we'll see the first release of Acts of Villainy: Duos, along with the first issue of AoV: Collected.
Speaking of Collected #1, let me try and explain some of the hold up. First, this is wholly on our end. As we were going through the older issues, we wanted to update the look and design to fit with the other issues. Additionally, there was some art that needed updating and some stats that needed cleaning up. So, while we're anxious to release the issue, we want to make sure it's the best issue we can release. Also, please keep in mind that there are only two of us handling the work and we want to keep up on our weekly issues as well. So, rather than let the new issues slip a bit, we're letting the Collected issues slip a bit so we can keep up with the new content. AoV: Collected #1 is coming along and will be released soon. Keep an eye on this blog for further developments and previews.
For those of you that bought the old issues, yes, they will be updated just like the book is. However, don't expect an update till after the Collected #1 is released. We view PDFs as living documents and like that we can update them, but we also want to get everything finished for the Collected volume.
We've also been looking at hosting a chat on Google+ Hangout, as well as running a one-shot here and there. We're still looking into the logistics of everything, but we'll be releasing some more information soon.
It's been an interesting year, with both high and low points, but we're happy to be moving into our second year of publications and can't wait to hear how you like them. Here's to a second year of AoV issues!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day: This One Will Be a Headache!
AoV: Solo #47 is LIVE! Once a college student with unending headaches, Migraine can now inflict the same pain on others! Undergoing an experiment that forced him into villainy, he now serves criminal masters as an agent of evil. Beware Migraine, the Tortured Telepath! Only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #47 and only only 99¢! Grab your copy today!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Universes, Comics and Podcasts! Oh My!
Last week I was invited by Walt Robillard (or Hazard Studio) to play in a game of Supers! The Comic Book RPG for the BAMF Podcast. Joined by Mike Lafferty and Ade Smith, we were part of the Battle Action Meta Force (or BAMF for short).
My character, Fortune, was a Probability Manipulating agent that used batons and acrobatics to battle the bad guy. You can see his stats for Supers! below, or check out the blog to download the episode and the other characters as well.
This was my first time playing Supers! and I'm positive it won't be my last. The game was just part of a successful Kickstarter and is a blast to play. If you like your superhero games fast and fun, then it's definitely the game for you!
First, let me apologize for not getting this blogged on Sunday, as my original intention was to get some fun Tribute Universe stuff out to my readers this weekend. That said, I'm glad I waited till comic book day, as I'd like to talk about Mutants, or, as we call them in the TU, Gene-Actives. I have an on-again/off-again love affair with Marvel's X-Men. I started seriously collecting the title somewhere around Uncanny X-Men #165 and dug into back issue bins to grab any previous issues that I didn't have. And, while I dumped my collecting back around when the first movie hit (a move I'm still kicking myself for), I got back into them around the House of M miniseries and have been getting issues here and there.
That said, it shouldn't come to any surprise that I wanted to establish my own take on the next evolution of mankind, but I also didn't want a carbon copy of what had come before. Thus came the concept of Gene-Actives, which are mainly influenced by the X-Men flavored Mutants, as well as Wild Cards and the legacy characters found in DC Comics' Infinity, Inc.
In the Tribute Universe, gene-actives are separated into three categories:
• Gene-Positives (or Gen+): Like most of the superheroes in comics, Gen+ individuals look basically like humans with powers. There's little difference between humans with powers and a Gen+ character.
• Gene-Negatives (or Gen-): Unlike the others, Gen- characters stand out in a crowd. This could be due to a physical mutation that's very apparent or an aura about them that draws attention. Being Gen- doesn't mean the character is ugly or deformed in some way, in fact there are some that are quite attractive or share traits with trusted mythological beings. The term "Gen-" infers that the character stands out a bit more and can cause more of a reaction if noticed.
• Gene-Zeroes (or Gen0): Different from their cousins, a Gen0 is someone with relatively minor powers, with some bordering on useless. That guy who can heat bread as his main power? Probably a Gen0. The woman that can track by cologne? Gen0. The kid who can burrow two feet into the ground in seconds without a tool? Yup, Gen0.
In game terms, all Gene-Actives have the following template:
Gene-Active [8 points]
STA +1
Advantages: Diehard
Powers: Enhanced Recovery: Regeneration 5 • 5 points
Complication: Prejudice (Gen-Active): Gene-Actives can be found using equipment that zeroes in on their unique genetic signature. Much like fingerprints, every gene-active has their own signature and some can be traced along their lineage.
Gen- characters have a more severe version of the Prejudice Complication, as they have to take great means as to not be noticed (especially when someone is hunting them). However, in the TU proper, gene-actives are starting to get more rights every day thanks to the Gene Equality Act that was passed in 2010. Before the act was passed, these characters were considered second-class citizens by most and were often subject to extreme prejudice in the media. Hector Helix, a Gen+ activist, started changing that in the late '90s when he founded the original Helix Foundation, a non-profit organization that took in gene-actives and gave them a safe house from the world. Existing to this day, the Helix Foundation has helped law makers create a safe environment for human and gene-active alilke. Because of these laws, it's become mandatory that superhero groups looking to get government funding must have a gene-active member in their roster. If a group applies and doesn't have one, they may contact the Helix Foundation for a list of suggested members in their area.
Gene-Active, Helix Foundation and all other information on the Tribute Universe setting (including the name Tribute Universe) is deemed product identity and is © DT Butchino, 2013. Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is © Green Ronin Publishing.
This week, I grabbed Five Ghost #6, Infinity #5, Avengers #22, Nightwing Annual #1 (New52) and X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2. It's partially due to X-Men: BotA #2 that I posted info on Gene-Actives today, as the comic has been a fun ride for me. I enjoyed the ending and I'm really looking forward seeing where they go with it.
For those that follow me on Facebook, you've heard this before but I'm saying it yet again: read Five Ghosts! Great comic with lots of pulp action and weird mysticism. If you're not reading it, you're missing out.
Nightwing has always been a favorite character of mine and, while his status in the current DCU is a bit shaky, I kind of enjoyed the Annual. It wasn't the greatest story I'd read, but it was a fun read.
I haven't had a chance to read Infinity or Avengers at this time, but I'll include my thoughts sometime this weekend.
Acts of Villainy Day: Last of the Halloween Themed Villains
Acts of Villainy: Solo #46 is LIVE! Once a hero who was met with fatal brutality, the creature known as Bloodletter is barely an echo of the man he once was. Raised from the dead and corrupted by dark magic, he now stalks the living world looking for souls to feed on. Bloodletter, available today for only 99¢ and only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #46! The last Halloween villain for 2013! Grab your copy today!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Take Me To The Tribute Universe Contest
This week we also picked a winner of our Take Me To The Tribute Universe Contest! Congratulations to Robert Rittenhouse, who was placed within the Tribute Universe in AoV: Mastermind #4 as a high ranking member of The Pentacle of Shadows! Robert wrote in on our Google+ page with the following entry:
"I really enjoy the variety of characters that AoV has had to offer. Everything from a team to make players cry (Magnum and Mustang I'm looking at you!) to ones who hearken back to times where we had the pants scared off of us (Harvester on that one).
I would like to give a critique though. So far we have only seen one fire or heat using villain (Tectonic). I figured doing a small series of them during the summer would have been a nice counterpoint to the cold series you did in December, especially since fire powers seem to get represented the same way every time (normally Human Torch style).
I also would like to ask if we'll be seeing any dedicated magic users popping up anytime soon. Only Catseye, Bathory, Slapstick, and possible the Converter (sorta) could be said to really use any magic, and of those only Slapstick and Bathory could be said to have a focus on magic (Converter is accidental and Catseye seems to have it more as a sideline than a focus).
I do apologize if I sound like I'm whining but magic has always been my favorite part of any RPG I've played. I would really like to see some more, especially with Halloween popping up soon. A mage or alchemist could be freaking creepy as hell (maybe with homegrown minions that look like the things from Gremlins or something)."
Thanks to everyone who entered. We hope Robert enjoys his copy of Hellfire (as well as the magically themed AoVs that have been coming out all month) and his place within the Tribute Universe. Keep an eye out in 2014, as we'll be offering another chance to be a character in an Act of Villainy (or maybe an Act of Heroism).
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Acts of Villainy Day!
The newest Acts of Villainy: Mastermind is LIVE! Half-demon and totally evil, Hellfire reigns over her own dimension and has her sights on Earth! With the power of her namesake at the tip of her fingers, she's raising an army to conquer the world and take down any heroes in her way! Hellfire, available today only $1.99 and only in Acts of Villainy: Mastermind #4! Grab your copy today!
This week's comment comes from Jae Campbell. Jae asks:
"Sounds like a fun event with enough hooks to run again - will your Christmas special be a continuation or a stand alone (possibly with the Kampus)? Does show the fun you can have by mixing genres and using low level characters so it becomes more about role playing rather than 'roll playing'."
Hey Jae!
It was indeed a fun time. Our Holiday special is a stand alone, single night event that takes place in the modern day Tribute Universe. Events are always an open invitation to anyone in the area and often attract current and past players. If someone has an established hero, they're allowed to choose which one they'd like to play, with anyone else having to make one before the event. The year we have a few alumni coming to play and I'm hoping that we'll get a few more. The only downside is that we have limited space (since the games are set up in our living room) and can only allow 10 players at this time.
I definitely agree on "role vs. roll" and mixing genres. With the events that I do, I try and have a mixed bag of heroes as much as possible. This is to emulate what you see in comics, as you rarely see heroes of the same level interacting in such stories as Crisis on Infinite Earths, Secret Wars, or even AvX. Expect a full report after the event is over. Thanks for the comment, Jae.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Seasons of Blood 2013
Welcome to It Came From the Sketchpad! The official blog of Sketchpad Studio and DT "Sketchpad" Butchino. Twice a week I'll be posting about Sketchpad Studio projects, comic books and gaming, with occasional guest posts and possibly an interview here and there. Have questions you'd like to ask? Give us a shout at and we'll try to answer them in a post.
I've spoken in the Acts of Villainy issues on how much I like event comics. Last year, I ran a one-shot game that allowed my gaming group to gather a random group of their heroes together to stop an invading menace that was prophecized by the Mayan calender. We had a blast, so I wanted to do that again, only with a Halloween game. Thus, Seasons of Blood was born. The game was announced to friends in August, with sign up leading up until October 12th, with Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition being chosen as the system. The game was set in the Tribute Universe during the year 1977 and ten pre-generated characters were available for up to seven players.
Last night we played the game and had the following players, all of whom are regular members of my bi-weekly gaming group, The Midnight Legion:
• Glenn, who played Jon Hollow, a former detective that continued his career after his death.
• Sara, who played Rose Cobb, a former agent that's gained a werewolf-like curse.
• Charity, who played a crystal mage named Maureen "Moonglow" Davis.
• Ana, who played the uncontrolled telekinetic named Alvin Keller.
• Talya, who played nature psychic Sylvia Simmons.
• Seth, who played Malcolm Wolfe, a hunter not unlike a pair of famous brothers seen on TV.
Each character was PL 5, with some having powers and the Ritual advantage being used in full swing.
The game started with the team being called in to investigate a gruesome killing of a consulate member, Gene Oberman. With each character working for W.A.R.D. (see W.A.R.D.), they discovered that he was an avid art collector and one of his pieces, a mask, was stolen. They also discovered The Yellow Sign etched near where he was killed. Malcolm took the bait and mentioned Hastur's name three times, which summoned a rat-thing that served as the eyes for an unseen master.
Meanwhile, another killing occurred, this time of a stage producer named Sam Thompson. While there wasn't a body, there was enough evidence of foul play and the heroes investigated further. Looking in his office, they discovered a list of people, each linked to a rock opera called The Emperor in Amber. Looking into the members, they found each of them either dead or in a state of insanity, with two members encountering a shadowy, winged creature during their inspection. While it managed to get away, they managed to find the name of Evan Cassilda, a local Pentacle Club owner and secretly a member of The Pentacle of Shadows (see The Pentacle of Shadows). Bringing him in for questioning, he managed to walk free with little evidence pointing to him.
However, that didn't stop the heroes. With most of the group waiting outside, Rose and Maureen went in undercover and found the club about to perform the Emperor in Amber on their stage. Gathering the others, Maureen rebuked Cassilda, who had been part of the performance as The King in Yellow. Attacked by the same shadowy beings that were seen earlier, the group rallied and managed to defeat one, while Jon jumped on stage and removed the stolen mask (itself an artifact of Hastur), canceling the spell and causing the gate for the true King in Yellow to fail. Using what waning influence he had left, the monstrous deity pulled whoever he could into the portal with him, with both Jon and Maureen escaping, the latter with the help of Alvin.
As the game came to close, Malcolm discovered that the rat-thing had been trailing him the whole time, though what its master's agenda was may have to wait for a later time.
Overall, we all seemed to have fun. The rules from the Supernatural Handbook worked well for what I'd worked up and would be happy to use them again. Our next major event is another holiday-themed one that's coming up in December. Expect another game report shortly after.
That wraps up the first post, folks. I'll be posting again probably mid-week, so if you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line or comment on this post. Thanks for reading and I'll post soon!
I've spoken in the Acts of Villainy issues on how much I like event comics. Last year, I ran a one-shot game that allowed my gaming group to gather a random group of their heroes together to stop an invading menace that was prophecized by the Mayan calender. We had a blast, so I wanted to do that again, only with a Halloween game. Thus, Seasons of Blood was born. The game was announced to friends in August, with sign up leading up until October 12th, with Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition being chosen as the system. The game was set in the Tribute Universe during the year 1977 and ten pre-generated characters were available for up to seven players.
Last night we played the game and had the following players, all of whom are regular members of my bi-weekly gaming group, The Midnight Legion:
• Glenn, who played Jon Hollow, a former detective that continued his career after his death.
• Sara, who played Rose Cobb, a former agent that's gained a werewolf-like curse.
• Charity, who played a crystal mage named Maureen "Moonglow" Davis.
• Ana, who played the uncontrolled telekinetic named Alvin Keller.
• Talya, who played nature psychic Sylvia Simmons.
• Seth, who played Malcolm Wolfe, a hunter not unlike a pair of famous brothers seen on TV.
Each character was PL 5, with some having powers and the Ritual advantage being used in full swing.
The game started with the team being called in to investigate a gruesome killing of a consulate member, Gene Oberman. With each character working for W.A.R.D. (see W.A.R.D.), they discovered that he was an avid art collector and one of his pieces, a mask, was stolen. They also discovered The Yellow Sign etched near where he was killed. Malcolm took the bait and mentioned Hastur's name three times, which summoned a rat-thing that served as the eyes for an unseen master.
Meanwhile, another killing occurred, this time of a stage producer named Sam Thompson. While there wasn't a body, there was enough evidence of foul play and the heroes investigated further. Looking in his office, they discovered a list of people, each linked to a rock opera called The Emperor in Amber. Looking into the members, they found each of them either dead or in a state of insanity, with two members encountering a shadowy, winged creature during their inspection. While it managed to get away, they managed to find the name of Evan Cassilda, a local Pentacle Club owner and secretly a member of The Pentacle of Shadows (see The Pentacle of Shadows). Bringing him in for questioning, he managed to walk free with little evidence pointing to him.
However, that didn't stop the heroes. With most of the group waiting outside, Rose and Maureen went in undercover and found the club about to perform the Emperor in Amber on their stage. Gathering the others, Maureen rebuked Cassilda, who had been part of the performance as The King in Yellow. Attacked by the same shadowy beings that were seen earlier, the group rallied and managed to defeat one, while Jon jumped on stage and removed the stolen mask (itself an artifact of Hastur), canceling the spell and causing the gate for the true King in Yellow to fail. Using what waning influence he had left, the monstrous deity pulled whoever he could into the portal with him, with both Jon and Maureen escaping, the latter with the help of Alvin.
As the game came to close, Malcolm discovered that the rat-thing had been trailing him the whole time, though what its master's agenda was may have to wait for a later time.
Overall, we all seemed to have fun. The rules from the Supernatural Handbook worked well for what I'd worked up and would be happy to use them again. Our next major event is another holiday-themed one that's coming up in December. Expect another game report shortly after.
That wraps up the first post, folks. I'll be posting again probably mid-week, so if you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line or comment on this post. Thanks for reading and I'll post soon!
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